Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 2

Well the getting down didn't prove hard. Shortly before sunrise, a couple of creepers showed up, and took out the staircase.

I took a heart's worth of damage in the fall, but at least I didn't get wiped.


As I travelled North, I found another, moderately extensive coal seam.

By moderately extensive, I mean 29 coal. Nice.


I found a fairly deep cave, with planty of mushrooms inside. Unfortunately I only heard the zombie sounds after I was already inside...


Well that's the end of this section of the Blog. Now on to "Rawr II" redux.

Night 1

The coal was about 5 layers above ground level. As you may have seen in the last shot, I had a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe.

First step was to mine some of the stone at the base of the cliff. This allowed me to make a stone Pickaxe.

Second step was to make my way up to the coal seam. I started by Jumping start upwards, on square out from the cliff, and placing the first block below me, the same for the second. Third block was placed against the cliff and used as a stair.

As I mined the coal, I immediately fashioned Torches. It used the last of my wood, but was well worth it.

As I was 5 blocks up, with no real staircase, I camped the night out here.

I cleared the blocks around me, so I could see outwards. Had there been any skele-archers around, my story could have ended right there.


But as it stood, here I stand, looking out of my cave, to the north, where I could see a light all night, thrown onto the cliffs. I think it may be another lava lake...

Now to get down.

Day 1

So I started the new world. Titled it Rawr. (Because I can)

I spawned on a beach, right next to the water, and on the hill over to my left were some dandelions (for yellow dye).

As I climbed the hill, I started finding roses too (rose red dye). When I saw a forest fire. Curious as to the cause, I saw this:

A natural Lava lake, within two minutes of spawning.

Just North of this point:

Islands in the sky.

At the base of that cliff, I found coal. Useful ,because Night was drawing near...